We're Doomed

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Seed Hunters July 13, 2009

Filed under: Earth — sapphire14 @ 12:28 pm
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Hi again and I hope you have watched the videos that I have posted last time and sorry for not being able to post it directly on the blog. This time I would like to talk about what measures we have taken to not prevent but to proceed on with life after cataclysmic events.

I would like to talk about the seed hunters in particular. Seed hunters is a documentary shown in National Geographic, about finding seeds to regain agricultural activities after disastrous events and mainly due to the global food shortage due to the global climatic changes. As explained in the article before, global warming is causing tremendous stress on earth, so due to the increased temperature many crops may stop producing fruits and seeds. These groups of scientists are not only on a quest to find any seed  types but to collect traditional farm varieties and the mother plant, the wild species that has lead to modern farm plant. They want those seeds toughness, its potential resilience to diseases, pests and climate. Its DNA could be used to breed new, hardy hybrids that will grow in other places where climatic change and poor soils is putting pressure in agriculture.

They have been interested in particular wild chick peas which are said to be the ‘green gold’. Chick peas are the ultimate food for dry zones, rich in protein and nutrients; the meat you can grow when you can’t afford meat. But after collecting all these seeds where do you store them? You can’t just store them in any warehouse but in a specially constructed vault that can withstand almost any disaster. So they store their seeds in the icy cliffs of Svalbard in the Arctic Circle known as the ‘Doomsday Vault’.

It is a vast concrete locker that could be the key to human to the survival of humanity.  
